Dan Laurin recorders, Anna Paradiso harpsichord and piano.  In 2008 I began playing with my husband Dan Laurin, Swedish recorder virtuoso, with concerts in the USA, Japan, Sweden, Italy, UK, Germany, Finland and for the Swedish and the Japanese TV. To be able to become his main accompanist, with great pleasure, I undertook a new journey on original sources on basso continuo, especially the Italian ones. Having the unique privilege of communal daily practice as a starting point, we are engaged in a wide range of styles and composers, from the early baroque era to the high-baroque, from 1900 British music to contemporary music written for the duo, both with harpsichord and piano. For baroque music especially, we believe that the study of original sources on performance-practice and basso continuo is fundamental. The rhetorical gestural expression is central for us, since it was an important part of the baroque way of looking at music as a language, and at the composition as a speech, with all its rules and structures. As the sources tell us, music must move, delight and astonish and at the center of all these human passions stands the human being, with his freedom of creating and choosing.

Beside the concert activity, we give lectures in conservatories and master-classes on several themes, such as: classical rhetoric and J.S. Bach, the “affetti” theory, baroque articulation, baroque improvisation.

Programs: (for texts and more infos contact laurin@annaparadiso.se)

French Delicacies and Italian Fireworks - history of a musical war (music by Hotteterre, Blavet, Royer, Scarlatti, Roman, Veracini, Corelli)

Johan Helmich Roman i Världen – en alldeles sann historia om ett svenskt geni

Johan Helmich Roman in the World – an absolutely true story of a Swedish genius (music by: Roman, Mancini, A. Scarlatti, L. Leo, A. Corelli)

French Decadence, German Eloquence and English Elegance (music by CPE Bach, Bowen, Forqueray, Blavet, JS Bach, Murrill)

Songs of Yesterday – an Arcadian Dream (1900 music for recorder and keyboards composed for British recorder player Carl Dolmetsch: Bowen, Berkley, Rubbra, Murrill, Leigh, Scott).

The Sonata Story (music by Fontana, Frescobaldi, Corelli, D. Scarlatti, Rubbra, JS Bach, Österling)

Italian Sounds – the Birth of the Sonata (music by Fontana, Castello, Frescobaldi, Pandolfi Mealli, Berardi, Salvatore)

link to Dan Laurin: www.danlaurin.com

Picture top on the left by © LEX 2012, top right and bottom by © Pelle Piano

Anna Paradiso Laurin 2012


To say that the

phrasing, musicianship

and ensemble work between these two musicians is superlative is an understatement.

(Examiner, USA)

The playing is superb

(Music Web International UK)

“Ein seltener Glücksfall musikalischer Symbiose: Anna Paradisos herrlich „beredtem" Spiel und Laurins mutiger Agogik und feiner Artikulation ist eine Neudeutung zu verdanken, die frei von jeglichem historisierenden Purismus so klingt, als habe man das Stück gerade zum ersten Mal gehört.” (Klassik-Heute)

Irresistibile il duo formato dal grande virtuoso del flauto dolce e da sua moglie, giovane e stimata clavicembalista. Negli assoli ...  i due artisti hanno dato prova dello straordinario talento che li contraddistingue.

(Press room Festival Leonardo Leo, Italy)”

     Duo with Dan Laurin